used takes a strain off of many sectors. When you
buy used that just means one less itemenvironment.
It can also
take a strain off of the landfill
because items unused
eventually end up there.
We have seen many items that have been taken and updated to make
gorgeous furniture
or other items.
People do it all of the time and it has become quite chic to do it too.
will have to be
manufactured in a factory that is
polluting our
One of the best places
to find good used stuff is on
Craigslist. I once had an old bicycle that I thought about taking to
the landfill. Instead, I placed an ad on Craigslist and offered it for
free to anybody who would come get it. A young man came and got it and
took it home
and refurbished it. It is a
beautiful and much used bicycle now. It is not in the landfill. That is
going green.
When you purchase something, it can have a negative impact on the
environment without you even knowing it. Be more aware and you can help
save the environment one
person and one item at a time.